Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Wow one month down

Its hard to believe that its already the end of January. Time flies....next thing you know it will be April! I am getting a litte excited now about going to Mexico, especially since a bunch of the Edmonton gang is heading off to Dominican tomorrow, and other friends are leaving for Hawaii at the end of the week (just in time to miss the cold weather..nice)
I've started working out hard now, so hopefully in a few weeks I'm able to report some good differences. Jurgen and I are getting into playing squash on a weekly basis, I've only played a handful of times with him and he always manages to beat me. I have gotten some points on the board though, which is pretty good (atleast thats what I tell myself)
Ok, I really need to get some pics up here and some interesting links...that will be my goal this weekend when we are huddled in our house from the cold (I know you Winnipeg people are scoffing at what we call "cold" weather) to you guys thats just a day at the beach. :)
Keep warm anyway..spring is just around the corner now!!
Here is another decorating site that I often use for colors and ideas

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Spring is fast approaching, time to get out that paint brush!!

Happy Hump day everyone! I was scouting out some decorating (paint colours mostly) ideas and found an awesome array of new up and coming colours that are going to be hot this year....
Options abound for 2007 with shades and tones running the gamut from subdued to show-stopping. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and give one of these hip hues a place in your home. Check out this link www.hgtv.ca and go to hot colours this year. There are a few that even I am going to incorporate into my spring decorating.
Its probably a really good thing that I'm no longer working part time at HomeSense...we'd be really broke.....

Monday, January 22, 2007

Good times travel fast....

Here it is Monday already...where DID the weekend go? It was spent with some wonderful friends in the capital city of Edmonton where Jurgen witnessed the Calgary Flames beating the Edmonton Oilers on their turf. Needless to say, he was quite giddy! Had a really great time up there with Tree, Casselman, Gordie, Gerry, Elana, Jason and TJ. (the next morning...not lovin' life as much I must say!)
Talked lots of wedding decor with Elana as they are getting prepared to start the planning process....can't wait!! Jurgen and I were asked to be a part of their day which made us feel very honoured.
We really treasure all our friends and family and feel very blessed to have everyone such a big part of our lives.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Is it Friday yet??

Augh, I can't believe its only Wednesday today. Yuck. This week has been a real challenge at work due to the fact that we have installed a completely new computer system. My brain hurts!!
Looking forward to the weekend though, we are heading up to Edmonton so Jurgen can go to the hockey game with Jason and the boys (Elana, Tree and I will spend an evening dining and possibly dancing) Should be fun..we're staying at a fancy pants hotel too for a little extra added luxury. YAY
Other than that, its been a pretty boring couple of days....hopefully I'll have some pics set up soon!
Ciao for now.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Well this is the first edition....

Hello everyone,
Due to some harassment (you know who you are) I have finally decided to get into the new world of blogging....we'll see how long this lasts, since you have to keep adding to it! Ha!
My interests lie mostly in design and decorating and of course shopping for those elements! I've recently been thinking about re-decorating our bedroom (Jurgen doesn't know that yet...) I'd like a more romantic type theme to the room...making it our getaway from life's craziness. It usually takes me a while to get a thought processed, but once I do, lookout!
I'm very lucky that my husband supports most crazy ideas that I have :)
Thats it for now..keep posted and on the edge of your seat to see what happens next in the life of yours truly.